
corporate culture 企業文化。

corporate image

The 4th nationwide corporate culture annual meeting held in bejing 第四屆全國企業文化年會在北京隆重召開

The necessity of reconstructing corporate culture system 社會主義市場經濟條件下企業文化體系重構的必要性

Corporate culture and its competency 企業文化與企業發展

On the construction of corporate culture in engineering consulting industry 工程咨詢業企業文化建設芻議

The reconstruction of corporate culture and the exploration of cultural power 企業文化再造與文化力開發

The analysis of relevant problems with virtual enterprise ' s corporate culture 虛擬企業文化相關問題分析

How the corporate cultures influence the stimulating mechanism 建立國有施工企業項目經理激勵機制的原則

The students of y . . corporate culture . 美國朗訊中國公

On the construction of corporate culture 略論企業文化建設

Corporate culture construction in hydropower industry under new situation 新形勢下水電行業的文化建設

On reformation of the corporate culture 淺談企業文化的改造

Discussion on formation mechanism of corporate culture and its building 試論企業文化的形成機制與建設

Strategic change , corporate culture and corporate sustainable development 企業文化與企業的可持續發展

B moulding an ethical corporate culture B )培育誠信企業文化

Corporate culture and talent employment 企業文化與人才擇聘

Corporate culture and internal control 論企業文化與內部控制

Research on establishing chinese corporate culture in the new period 新時期我國企業文化建設創新研究

Corporate culture and individual value 企業文化與個人價值觀

Review on corporate culture assessment 企業文化評估研究述評